


As a restauranteur you can have your own GastroCoin MasterNode (application ran from within your phone). This means you gain GastroCoins everyday which will increase your restaurants overall financial gain.

You will have the convenience of paying your suppliers with GastroCoin.

The best part is that you can use the incoming rewards for this and still keep the GastroCoin Masternode running.

Your guests are also able to pay you with GastroCoin. It’s the perfect system. Every day, your Financials (GastroCoins) will increase. with No additional fees at all.


As a guest you are paying with GastroCoin directly to your restaurant.

You send the GastroCoins payments from the wallet application in your phone directly at the location you are frequenting.

You can utilise a GastroCoin MasterNode in your phone and you’ll get rewarded several times everyday directly to the GastroCoin wallet application in your phone.

You can use the same coins to pay for your purchasing services. Just with a click in your phone.

Your financial will increase Daily by having a GastroCoin MasterNode.


The investor is GastroCoins frontline in the market having followed the project they have shown that belief is also backed by purchasing and investing both time and money into GastroCoins future.

The investor invests in GastroCoin’s MasterNodes and holds the valuable coins to either trades on the exchange markets or to increase their portfolio size and build more than 1 MasterNode.

Investors are an incredibly important part of the GastroCoin eco-system. Investors are independent, can be small, single individuals or larger entities: groups of friends, companies, facilities etc.

GastroCoin's purpose.


When I proposed Dujac to take over GastroCoin some time ago, I thought a lot about how I could carry this project forward and at the same time make it fit in with my everyday life and my other projects in my private life.

In the summer of 2023, I built a wood workshop together with my wife. We have bought a lot of machines, and of course also have a lot of ideas about what we want to do.

It made me think that in connection with GastroCoin I could do a lot of things that belong to 'gastronomy'. Some things will be simple and easy, others will be a little more complicated.

It is my vision that GTC could be a brand of cookware, or in some other way connected with gastronomy and restaurants. It could be cutting boards, pot spoons of various kinds, tongs to turn the steaks on the grill, decorations or practical things for the dinner table and much, much more. In principle it is no problem to make the things, I have all the machines and would very much like to have them in use.

The big problem is how do we make it connect with the crypto currency GTC.

My idea so far is that I want to sell the things I make, brand them with the GTC logo, so that people can show them off and possibly create more sales that way. I want to see if I can do it via Amazon, which I have started to investigate, or if it 'just' has to be sales from my own webshop. In principle, these options are not impossible at all, it just needs to be investigated how to do it best and cheapest.

Initially, the focus will be on Europe, as it is damn expensive to send packages from Denmark, where my workshop is located. I will do everything in my power so that I can deliver to the whole world, since cryptocurrency is not at all limited to one area.

How is this going to affect GTC, you might think?

Initially, my thought is that I want to sell these products that I am going to make. This could be done through ambassadors that anyone can register as. You then decide for yourself whether you just want to sell to family and friends, or whether you want to do big things and involve the local restaurant and bar, the possibilities are unlimited.

So my thought is that the ambassador gets a percentage of the sales (for example 5% of the order sum that the given ambassador has obtained) paid in one way or another. (I am thinking whether it should be on an account for which I am creating a system, and then you can ask for a payout from this system, or whether I should collaborate with someone on this, it could be a wallet system such as dogecash or something similar)

And furthermore, I think that another percentage of the order sum should be used to buy back GTC on the exchanges. In this way, we will slowly raise the price on the various exchanges, and raise the price of GTC in general. Sorting out the people who want to dump their coins for pennies.

Best regards:
Kim Monberg

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